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Stop Windows 10 from using all of your bandwidth
Posted on: Sep 17, 2016
Stop Windows 10 from using all of your bandwidth
[Guide Updated: 01/14/2020 9:24 AM]
Windows 10 comes with a feature to allow you to get updates from other computers/people and for you to host/share updates to others as well.
This feature can use a lot more bandwidth than normal, however it is very useful for networks that have more than 1 windows 10 computer, as it will push and pull the updates to and from the other computers.
To disable/modify this feature:
- Left click the start button
- Choose Settings
- Select Update & Security
- Then Delivery Optimization
[Updated for 1909]
[Prior to 1909]
- In the Windows Update category, Left click 'Advanced Options'
- Then left click 'Choose how updates are delivered'
- If you have more than 1 windows machine, select the option 'PCs on my local network'. This will continue to push/pull updates from other pcs on your network.
- OR you can turn 'Updates from more than one place' to OFF by left clicking the sliding icon and disable it completely.
- That's it, and now you can close all of the windows you just opened.
Below are more things you can do to optimize your windows 10 pc and make it use less of your bandwidth/data.
Turn off background apps
"By default, Windows 10 keeps some apps running in the background, and they eat up a lot of data. In fact, the Mail app, in particular, is a major offender. You can turn off some of these apps by going to Settings > Privacy > Background apps.
Then toggle off apps that use background data that you don’t need. In my case, it was pretty much all of those apps that are listed. When Windows Updates or new versions are installed, these settings might be reset, so, periodically check it to make sure."
[Updated for 1909, in newer versions of Windows 10 you can just toggle the one at the very top 'Let apps run in the background' to off and it will turn all of them off.]
[Older versions of Windows 10 you will have to turn them off one by one.]
Disable/Uninstall OneDrive
Rightclick any open area on your bottom taskbar and then select "Task Manager", or hold Ctrl and Alt then press Delete and select "Task Manager" from the menu.
Select the "Startup" tab, find "Microsoft OneDrive" rightclick and disable, or just select it and click the "Disable" button on the bottom right.
(You can also disable any/all other startup items here that you do not require - in most cases all that you really need to run on startup is your anti-virus program.)
To uninstall OneDrive completely:
- Click your Start button and find OneDrive in the list of Apps/Programs.
- Rightclick this item and Uninstall.
- This will load your Control Panel and you can rightclick OneDrive and Uninstall.
- Type in your search box on the bottom left (if visible) 'Control Panel'
- Open Control Panel
- Go to Programs and Features
- Uninstall OneDrive
Disable Syncing
Go to Settings -> Accounts -> Sync your settings and turn it off.
Disable Automatic App Updates
"To prevent Windows 10 from updating Windows Store apps on its own, open the 'Store' app. Click or tap your profile picture near the search box and select 'Settings.' Disable the 'Update Apps Automatically' checkbox. You can still update your Store apps manually from the Windows Store app, but Windows won’t automatically download app updates on its own."
Enable Metered Connection (WiFi only)
"To set your Wi-Fi connection as a metered one, open the Settings app, and go to Network & Internet > Wi-Fi. Scroll down below the list of Wi-Fi networks and select 'Advanced Options.' Enable the 'Set as Metered Connection' slider here. This will only affect the Wi-Fi network you’re currently connected to, so Windows 10 will start automatically downloading updates when you connect to another network. To set another Wi-Fi network as metered, you’ll need to connect to it and change the option again. Windows 10 remembers this option for each Wi-Fi network you enable it for, however, so it will be automatically set the next time you connect."
Disable Live Tiles
"Those live tiles on your Start menu use a bit of data, too–although not much. You won’t save much data by disabling live tiles, but you can do it if you want to save every little bit. To prevent a tile from automatically downloading and displaying new data, rightclick or long-press it in the Start menu, point to 'More,' and select 'Turn Live Tile Off.'"
Note: You can also just 'uninstall' the item if the option is available, or simply 'unpin'.